You may want to know what to look for in a new double glazing window before you make a purchase. Be aware it is much more than design or aesthetics as there are several important features to look for, including Low-emissivity glass, Gas filled units, Multi-point locks, and Sash stops that can serve you for decades if implemented well. Then you can make an informed decision on which window you want to buy from reputable double glazing companies Glasgow.
We have listed the most important features to look for in a window below but feel free to do your own research.
Low-emissivity glass
The term “low-emissivity” refers to a type of glass that releases less heat than other types of glass. Emission of thermal energy from all objects is a natural process. While glass absorbs thermal energy from the sun, lowering the emissivity of the glass will increase the insulating value of the glass. For example, low-E glass will prevent heat from escaping your home in the summer and keep it warmer during the winter.
Gas filled units
If you’re considering replacing your old windows, make sure to select a window with argon gas filled units. Argon gas is non-toxic and extremely dense, and is often used in the gap between two panes of glass. Because it is dense, air will take longer to pass through it than it would if it were a void. This slows down the transfer of temperatures, making your window more energy efficient.
Sash stops
Sash stops are a mechanical security feature fitted to the timber framed sash windows. They prevent the sash from moving beyond a certain point and are usually made of metal. In case of a break-in, these can be removed and replaced with another one. The sash stop itself is relatively simple and can be easily replaced.
Multi-point locks
There are a number of benefits of multi-point locks on double glazing windows. Multi-point locks are very effective in providing enhanced security. Many people choose multi-point locks for their windows for the added peace of mind they provide. In addition to increasing the security of your property, these locks are also a good option if you want to reduce your home insurance premiums.
LT value
When choosing a double glazing window, consider the Uw-value of the glass. A lower Uw-value indicates better insulation. The Uw-value can be set to anything between 0.25 and 1.5 depending on your preferences. Another consideration is g-value, which measures how much solar heat is allowed to pass through the glass. A window with a low g-value will be more energy efficient, reducing the amount of heat that is transferred from the outside.