Many production processes require the use of nitrogen gas, but regular delivery services can have several drawbacks. And that is why on site nitrogen generation has been so popular and widely used by many industries, including pharmaceutical and food production. Among the most attractive benefits are cost savings, enhanced efficiency and reduced carbon footprint. Another benefit of this technique is that the gas is produced at low pressure, which eliminates many safety hazards characteristic of bulk deliveries.
Increased Efficiency
On site nitrogen generation is a great way to generate this type of gas for a variety of uses. This gas is the sister function of compressed air. Compared to using external sources of nitrogen, on-site generation can help save money and provide a reliable supply of nitrogen gas. One of the biggest advantages is a high purity supply. The generation systems can use one of two technologies: membrane or pressure swing adsorption generators. Regardless of which type of generation system is used, they extract nitrogen from the air, removing other molecules and concentrating them.
Reduced Carbon Footprint
Aside from cost savings, on-site nitrogen generation offers a number of other benefits. By getting rid of the production and delivery phases, this method can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. It also minimizes waste at the facility by avoiding bleed-off and the return of partially filled tanks. Furthermore, it eliminates the risk of spills.
Product Loss During Transportation
Delivered liquid nitrogen can lose as much as 10% of its volume during transportation. This loss is caused by inadequate storage in a tank. An on-site nitrogen generator prevents these losses and offers significant benefits. This is a huge advantage for manufacturers who face the challenges of lost products during transportation.
Provides Higher Quality Gas 24/7
On site nitrogen systems are a better alternative to compressed gas cylinders for industrial applications. The right nitrogen system for your needs depends on your application, budget, and industry. Depending on your needs, you can select between a simple or a complex on-site nitrogen generation system. In addition to providing more reliable nitrogen, these systems also eliminate energy usage.
Reduces Storage Needs
On-site nitrogen generation systems are a great way to reduce storage space while delivering real benefits to your business.